Sunday, September 20, 2009

Day 78

Good sabbath to all.

What a beautiful day today is. Robin's egg blue sky with a slight breeze. Who could ask for a better fall day. I just love waking to the sun peeping its head over the Wasatch range. Several years ago if you had asked me if I would ever want to live in UT again the answer would have been a definite NO. The mountains were claustrophobic to me. I don't know why, since I had grown up here. Maybe it was living in the plains for 17 years. But now I love to see the mountains each morning.

Nicole's pneumonia is slightly better. They have her on the big guns as far as antibiotics go . 2 less bags today are hanging too.

She is more stable too. Urine output has increased. Nicole is scheduled for surgery again tomorrow. I was so surprised when they told me that today. Dr. Cochran will lay homograph again on both legs and Nicole's left arm again. Those area will continually need homograph until we have some area to take donor skin from.

Nicole is off the vent but is receiving humidified air through the trach. That is very good news.

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