Monday, August 31, 2009

Day 57

Last night I flew into Kansas City. John picked me up. Oh my gosh. It was so good to see him, even though I had just seen him last weekend. Maybe it is because I know I will see him for 2 weeks. I talked a mile a minute.He just laughed because he says I always talk too much. (Not in a bad way)

We drove to Ladd and Sarah's to see them before we continued on the Wichita. Thanks guys for staying up late to talk. After hugs all around the first thing Ladd asked me was, " SO...Do you think this experience has brought you closer together or pushed you guys apart?" I looked at John and before I could answer John said, "I definitely love Angi more. I am appreciative for all Angi does and has done for me and our children. It is hard but we are strengthened by this." I think we have grown closer together. We have always been close but through this experience the closeness is so tangible. John you are my ROCK. Even when I am far away during this time you are just a phone call away. Day or night you are there to listen to my woes.

My first full day in Wichita. Salt Lake withdrawal. It was nice to go to church in the Rolling Hills Ward. The familiar faces were most welcoming. Thanks to all who said hello. Great to talk to many people. Tim and Teresa, dinner was delicious and a comfort.

My parents are on Nicole watch this week. They are able to go to the hospital each day while I am gone. Not the same as me being there but she will have someone to watch over her and not feel so lonely. Even though she sleeps most of the time.

Nicole's blood pressure slowly plummets today. They put her back on the medication and it does rise but not where they want it to be and when they take her off it goes right down. Not knowing why this is happening is frustrating. I know it is frustrating for the doctors also.

Her situation warrants that she stay in in bed so she had PT in her room today and only one time. Even though it is good for her to be stretch and get her motor skills to function higher I know she probably liked only having PT one time. It wears her out so much. They say it is like running a marathon. No wonder she sleeps so much.

1 comment:

Sarah Carlston said...

It was so nice to see you glad you stayed to visit for a while...and so nice to laugh with you Angi...I havent laughed that hard in a long time!

We love you guys! Angi, you are still one of my most favorite people!!!!(and one of my heroes!)