Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 133

Victory is ours!!! Today, I met with the Judge in Utah County and was granted Guardianship over Nicole. Actually John, Christian and I all have joint Guardianship. I cried for over an hour before I went into court. The emotions I was feeling were so high. I was sure it was going to be granted but I also wondered. I wondered if there was going to be anyone there from the hospital to contest it. Then what. But all went smooth. Then I cried for an hour after with gratitude.

That piece of paper, a court order, says volumes. It is amazing what happens when you have all medical making decisions within your grasp. It is just as though Nicole were under the age of 18 again. Not that she doesn't have decision making capabilities but more so we can help her make good choices as well as being kept in the loop on all that is going on and can make decisions too.

Staring tomorrow I will receive 1 extra hour of visitation. Within a couple of days I will get 2-3 more hours. I believe that will help Nicole's psychological well being as much as my own.

Today at the hospital I found out Nicole is having some complications. She has an area on her left leg that is infected with psuedomonis again. But most of the areas are looking so much better.

Nicole also has a very bad cough and a fever. Many tests have been run today as well as a chest x-ray to rule out pneumonia and other maladies. I hope the results come back quickly so steps can be taken to remedy the situation if need be. We don't need another set back this close to coming home. I am not sure I could make it through another round of set backs like those we have had in the past.

Her pain level is finally being addressed. Dr. Morris has changed things up, taken stuff away but added more too. We will see what tomorrow bring with the changes being in place for 24 hours. Plus with Nicole not feeling well I am sure her pain level is exacerbated by the pure fact that she isn't feeling well.

I am so grateful to have to chance to have an extra hour each day now. Huge blessings in our lives. Thank you to all that are praying on our behalf. The many prayers have strengthened me and my family. I know the Lord is mindful of us and I believe we receive extra blessing because of the faith of the many people out there.


GStaples said...

yeah! A happy step!
love and prayers,

Sandra McMillin said...

Congrats, that is so awesome!! I hope Nicole starts feeling some relief soon. I'm glad you are in my life, you are so amazing!!
~Love Sandra

Angi said...

Love you both. Sandra, I am glad you are in my life too.

Leesa said...

What relief you must feel!! :)