Monday, November 2, 2009

Day 122

John is in town. I am so happy. There is nothing like being reunited with the one you love. He got in at 1am. I got up and helped him unpack the van and to bed we went.

It has been a while since I have been able to attend church with John. I sat so close to him I practically sat on him. I loved looking over at him to see him looking at me smiling. So in LOVE!

Today is the first day of visiting change to evening. When John is in town the unit moves visiting time to accommodate his schedule. Nicole is doing fairly well. She has a very bad UTI again. They took out her catheter to try to alleviate the infection also treating with an antibiotic. Not having a cath is harder on Nicole when she has just had surgery. But I will say that this last surgery has been less painful for her.

I am always so happy to see her and still wish I could see her for more hours a day.

Tonight John is taking me to Snowbird overnight. Time to get to snuggle by a fire and enjoy the crisp mountain air. I can't wait.

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