Saturday, July 24, 2010

Happy Pioneer Day

This is one day I really look forward to. I love the celebration of the Mormon pioneers coming to the the Salt Lake Valley in 1847. The whole state is involved. Even if you are not of the LDS faith, this celebration represents what made this state what it is.

I have been cleaning like mad this week to be ready for this day. I didn't want anything to interrupt the festivities. We start the day with the parade. This parade is one of the largest in the country. We watched it on TV today but it is so fun to go to the parade.

My sister Dawn flew into town today to spend sometime with me before she leaves to go to Europe on a cruise (fun for her) So I invited my parents, my sister Dana and her husband Gary as well as their kids over for BBQ and home fireworks.

We had a great time. Food was fantastic. Everyone stayed late and just hung out talking. We haven't done that is so long.

When darkness descended we lit fireworks in the street. Many of the neighborhood kids came over and watched too. Nothing better then food, fun and family. (Well, it could have been better if John was here.)

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