Monday, October 25, 2010


Today we are seeing the light at the end of a VERY long tunnel. At 12:45pm Nicole was wheeled into surgery. The light is if all goes well this may very well be the second to last surgery. It is a 2 part surgery. Today they are taking out scar tissue and other tissue and putting in this special material (Integra)that will act in place of dermas. After the body has grown blood vessels into the Integra to surgery she will go again. This time to graphed over it.

Dr. Cochran was just here. Nicole is out of surgery now. She came out of surgery combative and ripped one surgery sight causing bleeding but that was quickly remedied. Surgery was performed on 4 sights today. Neck, both axillary and behind right knee. Each area did well. The knee was a redo. The back of her knee was an open area most of the time. This time they opened it up and found that the graph was adhered to the tendon and there fore was tight and kept the area back there from healing. Quite a large piece of Integra was put there and in turn should keep that area from re adhering again so her knee should heal fine.

I am relieved this one is over. 4 areas in a lot and a long time in surgery. Nicole has been blessed with great doctors and steady hands. We too are blessed with continued prayers on her behalf. We have many causes for us to stop and thank God for all He has done for Nicole and our family.

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