Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jazz Fever

Christian loves the Jazz. I am not sure how many games he has been to this season but it is a bunch.

This season he has become friends with Thurl Bailey.

Thurl currently is announcing Jazz game but in his glory years he was a Jazz player himself. A great one, too. Pace Mannion.

Jeff Hornecek is also a hero of Christian's and he has been able to hang out with him this season too.

Of course the topping on the cake is Deron Williams. He was invited to a private meet and greet with him and was able to have his picture taken with him. Hanging on his wall is a signed D. Will jersey both Jazz blue AND Old school green. On his nightstand a signed D. Will Basketball.

Gotta love it.

1 comment:

Valerie said...

How fun! My boys would love this! Good to be an "insider"! :)