Friday, September 17, 2010

TOFW Boise

How I love Time Out For Women.

Nicole and I drove to Boise this weekend to attend Time Out For Women. What a weekend. TOFW is uplifting, mentally and spiritually recharging and give my whole being a tune up.

The line up:
Mercy River: This is why we went to Boise. Nicole loves her some Mercy River. 3 women who's voices are a breath of fresh air. They meld together beautifully. To top it off...Drum Roll Please.... On our way up to our hotel room we were about to step on the elevator and who was there? Yup, you guessed it 2 of the three Mercy River Gals. Brooke and Whitney. Oh my. I could hardly contain Nicole. They were very gracious. We were able to gab to them for about 15 minutes. Soni, their other band mate was resting as she was about to deliver a baby and had been having contractions all day. TOTALLY MADE NICOLE'S WHOLE WEEKEND.

DeAnne Flynn, Amanda Dickson, Emily Freeman, Linda Eyer and Shawni Eyer Pothier, Mariama Kallon and Jerico Road. ( A Boy Band ) Each of these people spoke on subjects that are dear to them. Maybe they wrote a book about it or maybe they have lectured about it before. But, whatever it may be they are passionate about it.

Each year I go a few times. I have been 16 times. I have been with Nicole 4 times. Each time I take my notebook, that I take every time, and add to it my thoughts and inspirations I receive when I hear the offerings of Time Out For Women.

One day I will get out my notebook and post some of the incredible insights and words of wisdom I wrote down.

What a weekend I had with my daughter. She so enjoyed it and in turn I enjoyed it more. Not only being able to share it with her, as I wondered a year ago if I would ever be attending another Time Out For Women with her, but to know I am a better person because of it.


LaurenCarlston said...

that is so cool is it a thing organized by the church??

GStaples said...

So glad you were able to attend. I also enjoy Jerico Road's music!!!