Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year, 2012!!!

Here it is...the beginning of a new year.

This past year has been an everything year. An everything year is one that everything happens. 'Happens' means so much going on, good, bad and indifferent.

I hardly got around to blogging last year which is too bad for you and me both. I don't have the record I want and I forget much of the details that it is hard to go back and fill in the blanks.

This year my resolve is to be a better blogger as well as get more organized (meaning, dejunking stuff) plan a wedding, work on my degree, try to finish my book and still be a wife, mother, caregiver, housekeeper, chef, assistant, student, neighbor, good citizen, taxi driver, gardener, disciple of God and all around good person. Now besides all of the above

I also have taken up the challenge to read the Standard Works by Dec 31, 2012. I have never read them ALL. Yes, I have studied them but to actually read them cover to cover has been a little bit (oh who and I kidding) a lot overwhelming.

This year, too, will be a busy year. But, since I am Wonder Woman I will be able to accomplish it all.

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