Thursday, February 5, 2009

Time Out For Women

While I was in Utah last month Nicole, our friend Suzie and myself attended Time Out For Women in Ogden. It was AWESOME as usual. Each time I attend my life is forever changed. So many topics are covered, so much joy is shared, so much love is felt. I personally take pages and pages of notes so I can go back and review them (and share them with John). Each presenter comes with their own take on life, their own stories to tell, their own spirit to share. For myself the little ah-ha's I take away re-shape me to be a better person. My motto for this year is going to be,

"Don't worry about what others think of you,

worry about what others think of themselves
while they are with you."

One of the best parts is sharing that time with Nicole. I am grateful she is now a woman and care share those moments with me now. She has come into her own this past year. She has always had an amazng spirit about her. Not wanting to watch inappropriate movies, her music is uplifting, being upset when anyone argued or was unkind to someone else. She has been an example to me.

I recommend others to go to TOFW when it comes anywhere near where you live. you too will be changed. At the bottom of my blog are 2 clips of TOFW funnies. Enjoy them.

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