Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today I was thinking, "A goal I had for this year was to keep my blog up and I haven't kept that goal." Well, today I am post an amazingly fun activity Nicole and I did today. Chili Peppers!

You see....Our Carlston family reunion is next month. We are having it in one of the most scenic areas. S*N*O*W*B*I*R*D

I am so excited for this reunion because for one thing, John and I have not been able to attend one yet. Another reason...This will be the first time in about 5 years that all of John's siblings will be in the same place. With 3 siblings living out of the state of Utah and 4 siblings in Utah it has been hard to get the whole pack together at once.

One of the nights, Sarah and I are making a Mexican feast for the whole crew. Carne Asada, Cilatro Lime Rice, Black Beans, Pico, rounding it out with freshly made tortillas. Getting back to the Chili Peppers. Here they are.....

They are so cute! These are actually Tootsie Rolls dipped in chocolate. How are they made you ask? Easy - Peasy First you unwrap midget tootsie rolls. I used 4 per chili pepper.

Microwave them for about 15 secs to just warms them so they are easier to mold together. Shape them to look like a chili pepper and then stick a small pretzel stick in the top for stem (don't break it off yet). Lay them out on wax paper. When you have made as many as you need, melt a package of Wilton's red chocolate discs over simmering water, careful not to get any water into the chocolate or it will seize. Dip the tootsie rolls into the red chocolate from the bottom to near the top so it starts to look like a chili, like so....

When these are all dry, (which take about an hour), break the pretzel near to tootsie roll but long enough for a stem. Melt a package of Wilton's green chocolate disks just like you did the red. Dip the tops in the green to make the tops of the chili's. These were fun to make and at a tasty treat.